Many brewers and breweries across the globe have started to address the concerns regarding the health of their consumers. And from there, the term called ‘low carb beer’ originates.
Low Carb Beer In New Zealand
Let us find out the best low-carb beer in New Zealand and whether they are healthy.
Low carb beer and weight loss
Is low-carb beer good for weight loss? These questions often pop up among beer or, in general, alcohol lovers. According to the experts, low-carb beers do not make much difference when trying to lose some pounds. Instead, it can cause damage if you drink irresponsibly.
Low-carb beers have carbohydrates in low amounts. For example, New Zealand’s Corona Ligera is a low-carb beer and offers a crisp and refreshing taste.
The idea of low-carb beer sells because it claims to be healthier for the gut and belly of regular drinkers. But the thing is, carbohydrates are not the only source of calories. Proteins, fats, sugar, and alcohol also add to the total calorie count of anything we eat.
A mixture of carbohydrates and its alcohol portion boosts the calorie count of a beer. As far as low-carb beer is concerned, its alcohol portion packs the most calories and not the carbohydrates portion. Therefore, the question arises again, Does low-carb beer make a difference? Are there any low-carb beer benefits?
Does low carb mean low calories?
Well, studies have shown that there is not much difference between low-carb beer and regular beer. If a low-carb beer has more alcohol content, it will still contain more calories than a traditional beer with low alcohol content.
Many consumers believe that a low-carb beer automatically implies healthier, so they begin to drink more low-carb beer. The more they consume calories from alcohol (despite the low carbohydrate content), the more weight they gain. So, it is possible that low-carb beer may not be healthier than lighter beer.
Therefore, it is not suitable for health if consumed excessively. Keep your consumption moderate if you care for your health.
Now that you are aware of the fact that excessive consumption is not healthy. Let us look at some of the best low-carb beers in New Zealand.
Best low-carb beer in NZ
Moderate your drinking habits with the following low-carb beers:
- Export Gold Extra Low Carb
It is made using the finest New Zealand hops, barley, and spring water. It has a slightly fruity flavor with a crisp finish.
- Speight’s Summit Ultra
It has 75% fewer carbs content than the average carb content of leading beer brands in NZ.
- Stella Artois Legere
It is brewed with the finest barley and hops. It is a smooth and easy-to-drink low carbohydrate lager.
- Steinlager Ultra Low Carb
This beer contains 50% fewer carbs than Steinlager pure. It is made using the finest hops and delivers a refreshing and smooth taste.
Bottom line
If you are looking forward to some weight, do not increase the consumption of low-carb beers, instead, decrease it or keep it moderate. Moderate drinking will not gain your weight nor affect your health in any other way.
Find the best low-carb craft beer in NZ at Pakuranga Liquor Spot.